Richard Evans is President of Refuge Ministries of San Angelo. An organization that provides education related services to individuals at-risk of academic difficulties.


Hi, my name is Richard and I suffer from Learning Disabilities. In fact if I were a public school student in today's classroom, I would be eligible to receive Special Education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). But in 1976 while special education was just finding a foothold in the hallways of America’s educational systems

  I became just another high school dropout. I had dropped out of High school never understanding why school was so difficult for me. It wasn't until 1992 while having a psychological evaluation for depression; that I was formally diagnosed as having several marked learning disabilities. 

You would have thought this would have depressed me but it did not; in fact it gave me hope. Just knowing that my problem had a name and that I was not stupid encouraged me. In 1992, I returned to school by enrolling in college. Through trial and error and long perseverance, I found that I could function in an academic setting.

Over the years a number of well intentioned people have made the statement “Richard, you’re just an exception to the rule” but I disagree, I don't see myself as an exception to the rule; I see myself as the rule--I believe All Students Can Learn.

Since 1995, I have been employed as a special education and regular education teacher.  Presently, I hold a Bachelor of Science in elementary education, a Master's Degree in school administration, and a PhD in Educational Psychology at Texas A&M. 

My personal goal is to share with others that there is hope. I spend a great deal of my free time speaking on Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia from firsthand experience. I try to use my understanding of the way a person with Learning Disability thinks to allow other to get a unique insight into the way that some students view and function in today's classroom. Over the years a number of well intentioned people have made that statement “Richard, you’re just an exception to the rule” but I disagree,

I don't see myself as an exception to the rule; I see myself as the rule--I believe All Students Can Learn.


If you would be interested in having me come and visit with your students, teachers, parents, administrators, or other individuals who have an interest in individuals with learning disabilities call or email me.




Refuge PodCast


Order a copy of the soon to be published book by Dr Evans.

Living with A Learning Difference (Disability)

ISBN number: 9781432779245
6 x 9 paperback 159 pages
Retail price: $14.95

Book Due Out Feburary 1, 2012





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